Costume change at the opera
Appeal to a wider audience, without trivializing the art form
One of the leading opera houses in Europe, GöteborgsOperan is a multi-arts venue, staging operas and musicals as well as classical and contemporary ballet. Its reputation for artistic excellence reaches far beyond the borders of Sweden.
Despite lengthy exposure, our research showed that the previous brand identity had not made a lasting impression. A new unifying symbol was needed – one better suited to a brave new digital landscape. The aim was to appeal to a wider audience, without trivializing the art form.

A symbol in constant motion as a metaphor for a vibrant opera house.

Situated in the heart of Scandinavia’s busiest port, GöteborgsOperan’s silhouette is reminiscent of a giant ship. To create the new brand identity we invited some of the performers to participate in an audiovisual experiment. With the help of sound waves generated by vocal cords, movement and instruments, we were able to create a moving, dynamic brand identity.
The new symbol shimmers like a silver coin visible beneath the water’s surface. It is mutable and in constant motion, an apt metaphor for a vibrant opera house. An interactive logo installation makes it possible for visitors to interact with the logo.

LIA London International Awards
- 1 Gold
- 1 Gold
Swedish Design Award
- 1 Gold
- Wood Pencil
Design S
- 1 Gold
Clio Awards
- 1 Bronze
Cannes Lions
- Merit