The World's Strongest Women
Changing the way the world thinks about victims of domestic abuse
Allianz Insurance has always been about protecting people’s property – their cars, possessions, houses.
In 2020, as Covid-19 cases skyrocketed, so too did another darker, hidden pandemic. Domestic violence soared by 43% in Ireland.
Homes may have been protected, but the people inside them certainly weren’t. Inspiring Allianz to take action to help by launching a crucial three year partnership with Women’s Aid.

The solution
Following in-depth discussions with survivors, we discovered that while every story of abuse was different – from physical to financial – a clear pattern emerged: the jaw-dropping strength of these women. But how would people ever see this strength, if they only ever see these women as helpless and broken in the media? And more importantly, how could we help these women see it in themselves?
We flipped the narrative. And introduced ‘The World’s Strongest Women’.
We launched with a powerful film that borrowed from a sphere that was typically synonymous with strength – sports. Then we pulled the rug.
And revealed that real strength was the daily act of survival. A squat against the door to keep a violent perpetrator out. A stretch to hide money in a financially abusive relationship. A sprint to protect and comfort a terrified child. A lift of suitcases to leave a coercive partner. The perpetrator appearing only as a menacing voice or silhouette.
We showed them that calling Women’s Aid for help, or even just making it through another day safely, proves they are the Strongest Women in the World.

The impact
World’s Strongest Women came out in force to start life-saving conversations to stop the violence. Despite lockdown making it difficult for women to safely open up, in two months:
- Contact with Women’s Aid increased by 302%
- The campaign reached 72% of the population in Ireland with 1 in 4 people engaging with it
- Secured Government attention with The Minister for Justice demonstrating support for the campaign
Effies Ireland
- Grand Prix
- 2 x Gold
- 1 x Bronze
- Bronze
- Silver
- 1 x Gold
- 2 x Silver
- 2 x Bronze
- Corporate Social Responsibility Award
One Show
- 2 x merits